Tornareccio: village of honey and mosaics.

Renata Minuto - L'ape e la tartaruga

Renata Minuto – The bee and the turtle

To stroll around Tornareccio is a unique experience: in every corner of the village along with the historical buildings so characteristic in  Italy there are mosaics of intense beauty. The history of these mosaics is tied to a man, a merchant and art collector, and to his memories of his Abruzzo origins.

Infact it’s in honor of his father Ottavio that Alfredo Paglione in 2004 gave to the village 30 works of internationally renowned artists, making possible the birth of the Pallano Art Room, flagship not only of the village but of the entire territory, for the quality and importance of the exhibits. His strong attachment to the roots has made possible for this small village to become a center of excellence in contemporary art.

Giorgio Scalco - The bees Madonna

Giorgio Scalco – The bees Madonna

It’s again the work of Alfredo Paglione and of the Associazione Amici del Mosaico (AMA) that over the years has trasformed the streets of the town into a open air museum. The event ‘Un mosaico per Tornareccio’ (a mosaic for Tornareccio) takes place every summer between July and August. During the event the mosaics realized on sketches of the previous year are exhibited to the public while new sketches, selected by a jury, form the set that will be transformed in mosaic works for the following year.

Associazione Amici del Mosaico Artistico (A.M.A.)

Alfredo Paglione Biografia