I VIGNAIOLI: «Twelve years together for our Abruzzo»

Eight wine producers from  Abruzzo  that since 2005 have joined in a consortium with the aim to promote quality wine all around the world.

Vignaioli in AbruzzoTo tell about a territory, to narrate a region, to represent its four provinces: in this spirit eight wine producers from Abruzzo with their respective companies, in November 2003, created the association Vignaioli in Abruzzo (Winegrowers in Abruzzo), which became in 2005 a consortium. Since then,  they designed together a path of knowledge that leads to the discovery of micro areas forming a region; individual uniqueness that make each bottle unique and special. In this way they let us know a macro territory: the Abruzzo region.

The consortium mission is to transform the territorial diversity in a unique treasure to be promoted and through constant dialogue and constant transformation to achieve goals made of challenges that the Vignaioli In Abruzzo are always ready to take on and win. The Vignaioli share clear ideas and important ambitions that collect different realities, vines and microclimates in the four provinces of Abruzzo, but with a single goal: to promote in Italy and worldwide Abruzzo’s quality wine.

Since  July 2014 Stefania Bosco, who succeeds Enrico Marramiero, is the actual leader of the consortium.

“The proactive work – the new president of the Consortium Stefania Bosco says -, passes through a continuous relationship between all members, periodical meetings  that have the task of collecting and coordinating ideas and above all to solve the problems that we have in common only in this way we are able to achieve our goals. ”

Among the main activities of the Consortium there are the organization and the participation in promotional events and exhibitions in Italy and abroad. The Consortium is also involved in the promotion through the creation of communication tools and activities of media and public relations. It also offers  technical support service concerning red-tape and design aspects to the eight members  but it also organizes technical training.

Stefania BoscoStefania, How did the idea of  Vignaioli in Abruzzo?
“The association was founded in 2003 to join forces within wine producers to better promote the Abruzzo wine worldwide. At first we joined as an association to exchange ideas, to confront our work and especially to deal with the problems of this sector. Then in order to access the calls of European funds for our promotional activities in 2005 we decided to turn us into a Consortium . ”

Which steps did you  take during these years?
“Well several. The most important was certainly the mission in Brazil. In a time when everyone bet in the Chinese market, we decided to move the business promotion in Brazil by organizing a week dedicated to meetings between importers, distributors and agents involved in a import project developed with partial funding of the European community. And moreover we have organized various wine tastings with AIS Roma, with the Onav; we participated in several events including the Trofeo Vignaioli (Winegrowers Trophy) at the Golf Club di Santi (AQ), which in June 2015 reached its eighth edition, in addition to conferences and of course to the Vinitaly. ”

In your opinion what kind of moment is living the wine  today ? 
The potential of the world market is evident; today the Italian wine is appreciated for its organoleptic and cultural characteristics. Generally speaking the strength of Abruzzo and Italy is biodiversity. We have an immense wine and food heritage, the consortium contains a set of different entities, but we still have the problem to tell and promote it beyond the Italian borders, which is why eight producers decided to join. Together we are stronger “!

How do you plan your projects? 
“The proactive work of the consortium goes through a continuous relationship between all its members thanks to regular meetings, during which we collect and organize ideas and above all we have exchange of views. For example the proposal to focus promotional activities in Brazil raised during one of these  exchanges. Another important element that brings us together is definitely a passion for associations. And infact the all of us belong to other associations, a sign that we really believe in the strength of the aggregation. ”

You have been elected president of approximately one year, which innovations did you bring?? 
“My predecessor Enrico Marramiero has done a great job. On my part in these months I focused a lot on the communication of the consortium. I restyled the web site, I opened our page on social media and I am trying to give more visibility to our brand. I want to say that first of all the Vignaioli is a group of friends who share a common professional goal and strongly believe in what they do. ”

Can you tell us about your projects for the future?

“Surely strengthen the mission of our consortium, i.e. promoting the treasures of our territory. After Vinitaly we fielded several projects among which some for EXPO. Surely in September we’ll organize an event combining music and wine.”

In short, it is appropriate to say, the Vignaioli in Abruzzo are the typical example of when “unity is strength”.

Vignaioli in Abruzzo - Mappa delle Cantine

President of Board of Directors Stefania Bosco – Azienda Vinicola Bosco Nestore
Vice President of Board of Directors Marcello Zaccagnini – Azienda Agricola Ciccio Zaccagnini
Council member Enrico Marramiero – Azienda Marramiero
Council member Rocco Pasetti – Azienda Agricola Contesa
Council member Gianluca Galasso – Azienda San Lorenzo Vini
Council member Nicola D’Auria – Azienda Dora Sarchese
Council member Valentina Di Camillo – Azienda Vinicola Tenuta I Fauri
Council member Federico De Cerchio – Azienda Vinicola Torre Zambra