Guardiagrele the city from the many flavors.

We all know that Guardiagrele is an important center from the tourism point of view . The town is famous for being the home of sculptor Nicola da Guardiagrele, a pupil of Lorenzo Ghiberti in Florence.

Many also remember it for the important necropolis, the one in Comino, whose remains are partially kept in the museum set up in town by Archeoclub  and partly in the National Archaeological Museum of Abruzzo in Chieti.

Gourmands will also find a pleasant satisfaction for their palate with a cake that does not leave you indifferent: the Three Mountains, also known as “The sise of the nuns”.

The recipe is special and very very secret; the pastry owner of the recipe is Lullo, a very old historical tradition, as its fame is! See it to believe!

I tre monti o "sise delle monache" - Guardiagrele Lullo

the Three Mountains, also known as “The sise of the nuns” – Guardiagrele Lullo

The city is famous also for its tradition of craftsmanship, thanks to the exhibition that takes place every summer, exposure among the most popular in the sector; walking through the alleys is savored just this air, with the shops exhibit outdoors their products, unique and unrepeatable. In addition, the  fresh, mountain air transforms this landscape in a unique particular atmosphere.

Guardiagrele is waiting for you!