Tornareccio: the honey Abruzzo’s capital.

The production of this delicacy in Abruzzo dates back to ancient times. According to some historical sources, the inhabitants of Abruzzo were devoted to the production of honey already in the Middle Ages. At the time an Arab geographer  describing the inhabitants of the Abruzzi called them devoted to hunting and honey collection.

Apicoltura in Abruzzo

Apicoltura in Abruzzo

The usage of beekeeping hives built expecially to be inspected developed in Abruzzo since the ‘800 and was used equally by all social categories. Honey is one of the few foods that, even in an industrialized era like ours, requires minimal handling by humans before packaging. Most of its production depends on  bees work   and man intervention is limited to the extraction and filtration. At the end of these two phases only a correct preservation is required. But the activity of the beekeeper, despite the simplicity of the process, requires great dedication and skill that are usually passed down from generation to generation. The result is a niche honey, which preserves intact all the taste and nutrients.

Tornareccio: mosaico

Tornareccio: mosaico

Abruzzo’s Beekeepers  always use a natural process which allows them to obtain a product of excellence recognized nationally and internationally by numerous awards and certificates. Along the centuries Abruzzo has  been home to a thriving honey production thanks to a territory that for more than 80%  consists of protected areas. In particular,  the Chieti province is rich in family-owned companies that are historically dedicated to organic production of honey. Among the many areas of production stands Tornareccio, a small town in the  Chieti province. The village is home to major manufacturers and brilliant innovators. Here was born the nomadism; this is an original way of production that involves a continuous movement of beekeepers and swarms in search of the best plantations in various places in Italy. It allows to obtain a great variety and quantity of single-flower honeys: acacia, citrus, orange , chestnut, cherry, eucalyptus, sunflower, sainfoin, millefiori, sulla (Hedysarum coronarium), lime, thyme, mountain wildflower . The village has more than 10,000 hives  in its territory  and covers more than 10 percent of the national production. It’s naturally suited to beekeeping and each year hosts in September the event Tornareccio Queen of Honey.

Tornereccio: regina di miele

Tornereccio: regina di miele

On this occasion in the narrow streets of the Old Town, in a picturesque location where flavors and aromas mingle with art, history and culture, the undisputed star is the honey, along with other traditional local products such as mozzarella, salami, olive oil and many other typical produce of the area.

In 2014 the event will be held Saturday, September 27 . The entire Abruzzo Beekeeping will be present. In addition to the usual event and the presence of stands of honey producers and other local products will be held the States-General of Abruzzo beekeeping ,the subject Abruzzo Honey  towards Expo 2015.


To know more about beekeeping in Abruzzo visit:  L’Eremo di Grotta Santangelo e l’Apicoltura Di Simone con Luca Nardelli